Friday, June 3, 2011

Trailer for Darksiders 2 + gorgeous Death

Another one that I've been looking forward to for what seems like a millennia.

While War was chopping off different body parts of Angels and Demons Death was out looking out for his bro and unravelling the truth behind the accusation of his more beefed up buddy. With his trusty steed Despair he will utilize his dualscythes of awesome and chop off even more body parts, some of them probably accidentally.

Just before the trailer came the incredible wannabe wallpaper straight from the cover of GameInformer. Hurray for the gaming press and label stamps!

And now of course - the trailer:

3 cheers to HoodRow37 for unwillingly providing me with a clean video involving no adds and having a great quality! At some point I'll probably just make my own account but no need to for now. Let's see how this blog starts rolling.

Trailer for Serious Sam 3

This one I've been waiting on for a long, long time. It seems the guys at Croteam decided to keep it true to the core and just add enemies as far as the eye can see - but this time (!) with the brand new engine that makes Call of Duty look like my grandmother's skills in creating an artificial intelligence using only a lighter and a copper tube.

Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm

I'm not sure yet if I like or not, but I'll let you guys decide for yourselves. For now it does look good but I need more to give a positive statement.

Not only has a new trailer AND a gameplay video been released but there's already like a billion previews by official sites who got a demo from Blizzard. So yeah, this means I won't be going into anything specific and will just be linking the articles instead.

Eurogamer - best article in my opinion, check it!
Ausgamers - not even sure why I'm linking this but I've gone so far...

And of course I'll be showing the videos. Here they all are including the official teaser released just before the other two:

Official Teaser

Gameplay Footage

Strange Gameplay + Trailer Footage But Still Very Awesome

Dear God she is hot...

The post to rule them all!

Why hello there crowd of people that doesn't have anything better to do with their daily lives. This here is and will be, for a very long time, yet another blog that will feature news that can be found everywhere else but are presented with yours truly's sarcastic awesomesness and win.

Please discard all other activities you are currently experiencing because your attention is screaming to view the news and articles that will be featured here from henceforth.

Let the blogging begin! ...Well, after I get some sleep.