Friday, July 8, 2011

PS Vita was pretty much made around its price point

As it turns out the PlayStation Vita was mostly designed around the idea of it costing $249. This raises a few questions.

What if the price point was higher? Would we be looking at better graphics right now? Or a sooner release date? And most of all - could the battery have been made a bit more expensive? I don't think I'll find a gamer who would say "dude, $50 for 4 more battery hours? No way!" Yes way! These 50 bucks would be a huge investment in those rea-a-a-a-aly long days with no low access to a recharger. And what do you, my inexisting viewers, say about this?

The whole interview can be seen at

Requirements for Battlefield 3 finally in!

Now... there is no word of DICE if these are the requirements that you need in order to play the game the way it's "supposed" to be played or just the requirements that you'll need to play the console port. Like what Crytek did with their newest baby. But to be fair I have quite a lot more faith in DICE then in any other FPS developer out there. They've been pretty true to the core for the last decade and hopefully remain the same in future endeavours. Well, here's what everyone was expecting:


Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHzRAM2GB
Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card


Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPURAM 4GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850

I must say... these look awesome. My beast of a machine will nom the game quite nicely, but even so, the requirements are quite low and the game should run flawlessly on all systems at about the medium video settings. Really, a computer for the minimum settings costs about $400 if less. And you cannot pass up the opportunity to have this beautiful game on your hard drive. Go buy now!

Uncharted 3 coming early to the UK!

Congratulations Britain! Now you're only 1 day behind the US! What luck! Seriously!

Honestly though just when will this end? Retailers don't have the upper hand for a few years now, everything is bought digitally! Come on industry, make "world" exclusives. Stop making everything go out in the US first! Now if you REALLY want to give the retailers some power I suppose giving them 1 day earlier releases with the Collector's Edition is the way to go.

Bah, never mind. Hopefully everyone enjoys Uncharted 3. I know I will. And I know you will. So yeah, just a few more months now.

Meanwhile check this video of the game that I must put in the post or otherwise it'll be just a grey mess. Brought to you by IGN!

Please, skip this post

Well, after some considerable time and thinking, and mostly after realizing this blog will not be much different from any other blog out there except for my above average level of humor (which I haven't even exactly shown yet)... I came to the conclusion that I'll still continue to do what I like. And that is writing about the exciting, and hard to break into, world of the game industry.

When you are a news writer for a few years now, in a language that the world doesn't quite understand and you look around and view your future prospects in your small little country, you come to the realization that your portfolio and your CV, and all the little things you've done in the past have pretty much been for nothing. I'll never start getting more money in the situation I am currently in, even if I continue my "successful" relationship with the media of my country for decades to come.

And so I've decided this blog is still a good thing. I may not get money from it but fuck, at least I'll do what I like with a broader, more critically thinking and wide ranged audience then ever before. If some years in the future someone notices that there is a certain news writer/editor in this corner of the interwebs and decides it's what he needs for his next big project, then it will be everything I've ever wanted out of all of this. And if not... c'est la vie. But I'll still be doing what I love the most.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Trailer for Darksiders 2 + gorgeous Death

Another one that I've been looking forward to for what seems like a millennia.

While War was chopping off different body parts of Angels and Demons Death was out looking out for his bro and unravelling the truth behind the accusation of his more beefed up buddy. With his trusty steed Despair he will utilize his dualscythes of awesome and chop off even more body parts, some of them probably accidentally.

Just before the trailer came the incredible wannabe wallpaper straight from the cover of GameInformer. Hurray for the gaming press and label stamps!

And now of course - the trailer:

3 cheers to HoodRow37 for unwillingly providing me with a clean video involving no adds and having a great quality! At some point I'll probably just make my own account but no need to for now. Let's see how this blog starts rolling.

Trailer for Serious Sam 3

This one I've been waiting on for a long, long time. It seems the guys at Croteam decided to keep it true to the core and just add enemies as far as the eye can see - but this time (!) with the brand new engine that makes Call of Duty look like my grandmother's skills in creating an artificial intelligence using only a lighter and a copper tube.

Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm

I'm not sure yet if I like or not, but I'll let you guys decide for yourselves. For now it does look good but I need more to give a positive statement.

Not only has a new trailer AND a gameplay video been released but there's already like a billion previews by official sites who got a demo from Blizzard. So yeah, this means I won't be going into anything specific and will just be linking the articles instead.

Eurogamer - best article in my opinion, check it!
Ausgamers - not even sure why I'm linking this but I've gone so far...

And of course I'll be showing the videos. Here they all are including the official teaser released just before the other two:

Official Teaser

Gameplay Footage

Strange Gameplay + Trailer Footage But Still Very Awesome

Dear God she is hot...

The post to rule them all!

Why hello there crowd of people that doesn't have anything better to do with their daily lives. This here is and will be, for a very long time, yet another blog that will feature news that can be found everywhere else but are presented with yours truly's sarcastic awesomesness and win.

Please discard all other activities you are currently experiencing because your attention is screaming to view the news and articles that will be featured here from henceforth.

Let the blogging begin! ...Well, after I get some sleep.